PAZI, MINE ! (Attention, mines !)
Bajric Beco, 50 ans, est soigné aux bains de Gata. Il a été blessé au pied pendant la guerre en marchant sur une mine. Il lui manque le talon du pied gauche, on lui a donc fait une arthrodèse de la cheville : il ne peut plus bouger le pied. Il ne reçoit que l'équivalent de 70 euros de pension par mois.

Bajric Beco, 50, is being cured at the thermal facilities in Gata. He has been wounded at the foot during the war, when he stepped on a landmine. He misses his heel and had had an arthrodesis of the ankle : he can't move his foot anymore. He only receives a pension worth the equivalent of 70 Euros per month.


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